Polietilenos del Valle - POLYETHYLENE Company Colombia

About Polietilenos del Valle

Since 1862, when man invents the first plastic, the life of humanity will be marked by one of the greatest inventions of recent centuries. Just as plastic revolutionized the world, Polietilenos del Valle S.A. revolutionized the Valley industry with its arrival.

Today we deliver to our national and international clients, the best packaging in the market, prepared following the application of flexible processes, with permanent technical assistance and with the constant innovation that sets the pace of the new times.

Polietilenos del Valle S.A. It has the latest technology for the elaboration of excellent quality packaging, which offers a barrier, high resolution in printing and special seals, providing our customers’ products, that their contents are preserved, transported with the best image and at the best price of the market.

We serve with human warmth

To an efficient work that generates high quality products, there is a commitment to the economic and social improvement of the country, a constant search for a better standard of living for families and the responsibility to protect the world using recyclable, non-polluting materials and biodegradable, that conserve the planet for the next generations.

Certified Quality

polietilenos del valle tecnologia


polietilenos del valle talento humano


polietilenos del valle Asistencia técnica


polietilenos del valle compromiso social


polietilenos del valle compromiso medio ambiente